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Hurricane::UpdateSession Class Reference

UpdateSession description (API) More...

Inheritance diagram for Hurricane::UpdateSession:
Inheritance graph

Additional Inherited Members

Property Collection

Detailed Description

UpdateSession description (API)

Update Session Mechanism

Here is only an outline of the UpdateSession mechanism. The classes involved are:

When a Go is to be displayed, it has to be inserted inside one of the QuadTree of it's owner Cell. QuadTree allows fast geometric queries which are used extensively to perform the display. If a Go is not inserted in a QuadTree it will not be displayed at all or be included in any geometric query. When we insert a Go in a QuadTree, we talk about materialization. So a Go can be in two states: materialized or unmaterialized. The default behavior is to materialize a Go as soon as it is created.

Now comes the UpdateSession mechanism. When the characteristics of a Go are changed, it may be needed to update it's position inside the QuadTree, or even to change of QuadTree (in case of a Layer change). Basically, the mechanism proceed in three stages:

It is very important to notice that the Cells gets change notifications only when a Go is changed, not when it is created. If we want the Cell to be notified, we must invalidate it manually. This is particularly critical when working with ExtensionGo.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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